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Johannes Gehrts - Thor, der Donnergott
Vitis vinifera, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen
Taraxum officinale, from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen
Nova et accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula
Ernst Haeckel's Gamochonia - Octopus
Dubrovnik, Konrad von Grünenberg, 1487
Draco and Ursa Minor, Sydney Hall, 1825
Mandrake, Rembert Dodoens, 1583
'Leo Belgicus' by Famiano Strada, 1684.
Typus Orbis Universalis, Sebastian Munster, 1550.
Typus Universalis, Sebastian Munster, 1542
World map by Francesco Ghisolfi, 16th century
Typus Orbis a Ptol. Descriptus, Sebastian Munster, 1542
Zagreb 1689, Johann Weikhard von Valvasor
The Americas by Abraham Ortelius, 1570
Ernst Haeckel's Narcomedusae